Sylvia Burrow

Sylvia Burrow

Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Cape Breton University

Phone: (902) 563-1187
Fax: (902) 563-1913
Office: CC-270

P.O. Box 5300, 1250 Grand Lake Rd.
Sydney, Nova Scotia
B1P 6L2


PHIL 1104 Greek Philosophy: An Introduction

This introduction to Ancient Greek philosophy brings students into ancient debates about a number of problems and does not suppose to offer a chronicle ordering of events. Views represented in readings in the course aim to capture the spirit of discussion and debate emerging from some grand speculations of the 6th C BC that informed the beginning of the very first academic schools, formed by Plato and Aristotle. Academics began with these two great thinkers and we will aim to live up to their approach to understanding and knowledge through course discussions and debates.


PHIL 2105 Feminist Philosophy: Concepts and Cases

What is feminist philosophy? How can we recognize the contexts in which oppression appears? What are the wrongs or harms of oppressive contexts? This course aims to introduce students to feminist philosophy through exploring contexts of oppression with the aim of understanding of how oppression is manifest in moral, social, and political contemporary contexts. By the end of this course, students should be able to explain what oppression is; explain oppressive contexts within issues such as prostitution, pornography, violence against women, human trafficking, beauty ideals, and so forth; and articulate key feminist debates in these areas.


PHIL 2111 Medical Ethics

This course provides an introduction to moral issues arising within the Canadian health care context. Issues covered include assisted suicide, euthanasia, genetic testing, and reproductive technologies. Students are expected to approach such issues within the framework for ethical decision-making presented within class, including moral theories such as Kantianism and Utilitarianism, and moral analysis of issues such as informed consent, competency, responsibility, justice, and so forth.


PHIL 3130 Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing

This course provides an introduction to moral and legal issues in nursing. Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
• recognize and articulate moral issues in nursing

• consider social and philosophical aspects of moral issues in nursing

• articulate the main values of the CNA code of ethics

• understand and apply key moral concepts of nursing ethics

• formulate and justify moral solutions to issues in nursing

• acknowledge or promote ethics leadership in practice, administration, and research


PHIL 3154 Feminist Philosophy Theory

What is oppression? How can we legitimately analyze and theorize about oppression that involves the experiences of others? This course explores these questions through focusing on theory concerning women’s oppression, understood from a multitude of perspectives such as culture, race, religion, ability; and through the lens of viewing feminism as about equality, difference, or dominance.


PHIL 3155 Ethics I

Traditional moral theory address issues within the framework of deontology, consequentialism, or virtue theory. These frameworks reflect historical traditions shaped by philosophers over the course of many centuries. This course aims to broaden and illuminate philosophical perspectives in moral theory introduced by contemporary philosophers that have recognizably shifted what moral philosophers consider to be key issues and concerns of moral theory. In effect, these philosophers have shifted the moral compass. In what directions does the moral compass now point? How might our lives, as moral agents, be guided by this moral compass?


PHIL 3157 Ethics II

Has there been progress in ethical theory? Many of the same concepts studied in 3155 will be examined, but from the point of view of contemporary ethical theories.


PHIL 4110 Modern Philosophy

This course aims to introduce students to Late Modern Philosophy through identifying issues in Early Modern Philosophy philosophers have more recently critiqued. By including women philosophers of the 18th Century this course references those voices of Late Modern Philosophy silenced in previous years, exposing students to a richer, and more inclusive, version of the philosophical conversation developing in this period of the history of philosophy. By the end of this course students should be able to explain and comment on those philosophical theories constituting Late Modern Philosophy.


PHIL 4800 Directed Study

Serious philosophy students may pursue, on a tutorial basis, a custom-made course. This will permit the student to study a particular topic in depth at an advanced level.


Online Courses

PHIL 2117 Business Ethics

This course introduces central ethical concepts and cases in Business. Its aim is to provide students with a survey of core issues that are currently worthy of philosophical discussion. Philosophical analysis requires attention to detail, critical analyis, and thorough questioning to clarify concepts and ideas. Students are expected to engage in such critical reflection from an ethical perspective. Ethical thinking requires systematic engagement with issues to arrive at an analysis of what is morally right or wrong, or morally good or bad. To this end students will be introduced to the basics of moral theory relevant to business topics.

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PHIL 2105 Feminist Philosophy

This course will explore philosophy and values from a variety of feminist perspectives.

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