2000 – 1720 BCE The Patriarchs  

Patriarchal Judaism

1720 - 1280 BCE The Israelites in Egypt 


§         Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc.

c. 1280 BCE Moses and the Exodus


§         Self-made altars, Tabernacle

1200 - 1028 BCE Joshua and the Judges


§         Sacrifices





1028 - 933 BCE The united kingdom:

Temple Judaism


§         1028-1013 Saul


§         Priests and divinely appointed king


§         1013-972 David


§         The Temple (Solomon)


§         972-921 Solomon


§         Sacrifices and ritual

922 - 722 BCE Northern Kingdom (Israel)


§         Prophets

922 - 586 BCE Southern Kingdom (Judah)



586 - 538 BCE Babylonian Exile




538 - 332 BCE Persian Occupation and the Return

Synagogue Judaism


§         520-516 Second Temple built


§         Rabbis


§         500-450 Mishnah


§         Synagogues

331 - 166 BCE Greek Occupation


§         Torah/Talmud

166 - 64 BCE The Maccabees



64 - 636 CE Roman/Byzantine Occupation




§         70  CE Temple destroyed




§         70-1948  CE Jewish Diaspora



636-1948 Muslim (Arab, Seljuk, Kurd, Mamluk, Ottoman) and British




§         7th-9th century Babylonian Center




§         9th-16th Western Center (i.e., Spain)




§         16th-18th Eastern Center (Eastern Europe, Germany)




§         18th-19th The Age of the emancipation, assimilation and Orthodox, Reform, and Conservative Judaism



19th-20th Anti-Semitism, Zionism, Holocaust, the Jewish State