Start Maple from Start Menu/Program Files/ or using the icon in f:\math115 Every Maple command must end with a semi-colon ";" for instance > 1+1; We can use ":=" to assign a value to a name, usually a letter > a:=7; Set b to have the value 6 and determine the values of a+b, 2*b 3*a-b and a*b Use the function sqrt to determine the square roots of 4 and 3 If you want to know more about a Maple command, type > ?evalf to exit from the help page, close the subwindow, or use the Window menu to move between them. Use this function to find the 25th decimal place in the square root of 3 and the 100th digit of Pi (note Pi, not PI or pi, both of which are greek letters). Set lambda equal to Pi+Pi/2 and find sin(lambda) and the square root of the sine of lambda too. Maple can also deal with polynomials: > p:=(2-x)*(x+3); Use the commands expand, factor and solve on p to see the results. Repeat with q which is defined to be x^2-3 We can draw a graph of the functions > plot(q,x=-2..2); Find how to draw both p and q on the same axes using help or guesswork Use Maple to find for which values of x are p and q equal