Registration Information: To register for the 2008 ATCS please submit the following to

1.  Abstract (in Word or PDF format, using Times or Times New Roman, 12 pt font, 200 words maximum) with title.  Please include your contact details.

2.  Please inform us of any allergies, food intolerances or special diets.

The deadline for abstract submission and registration is July 14th 2008.

Fees : Payment is due upon arrival on Wednesday August 13th and includes registration, Wednesday night meet and greet, nutrition breaks and lunch for Thursday and Friday. The ATCS banquet will be held on Thursday night and is sure to be a great time (we will have room if you want to bring a guest).          

In the ATCS tradition, registration fees will be low:   Faculty- $20; Postdocs- $10; Students- FREE!

Travel Awards:  Once again, ACEnet is providing money for student travel awards.  We have also received a donation from the PTC Division of CSC.  Details TBD, but all students, except from the host institution, will receive an award to help defray their travel costs.  The amounts awarded will vary according to the distance travelled, and will attempt to reflect the estimated transportation costs.