Papers Published or Accepted for Publication

1. Rudiuk, E. M. (1992). The exact distribution function of the ratio of two quadratic forms in noncentral normal variables. Metron 50, 33-58. Jointly with Serge Provost.

2. Rudiuk, E. M. (1993). Some distributional results for ratios of central quadratic forms, Pakistan Journal of Statistics. 9(1)A, 79--91. Jointly with Serge Provost.

3. Rudiuk, E. M. (1993). The inverse Mellin technique applied to ratios of linear combinations of noncentral chi-square variables. International Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. Jointly with Serge Provost.

4. Rudiuk, E. M. (1994). The exact density function of the ratio of two dependent linear combinations of chi-square variables. Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics. 46(3), 557--571. Jointly with Serge Provost.

5. Rudiuk, E. M. (1995). The sampling distribution of the serial correlation coefficient. The American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences . 15(3). (25 pages). Jointly with Serge Provost.

6. Rudiuk, E. M. (1995). Moments and Densities of Test Statistics for Covariance Structures. International Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. 4(1). (30 pages). Jointly with Serge Provost.

7. Rudiuk, E. M. (1996). The exact distribution of indefinite quadratic forms in noncentral normal vectors. Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics. 48.. (to appear). Jointly with Serge Provost.

8. Rudiuk, E. M. (1992). The distribution of ratios of dependent quadratic forms in singular central normal vectors. Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, UWO, TR-07-92. Jointly with Serge Provost.

9. Rudiuk, E. M. (1992). A representation of the exact density of ratios of independent quadratic forms obtained by differentiation. Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, UWO, TR-08-92. Jointly with Serge Provost.

10. Rudiuk, E. M. (1992). The approximate and exact distribution of the serial covariance and correlation for a Gaussian white-noise process. Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, UWO, TR-09-92. Jointly with Serge Provost.

11. Rudiuk, E. M. (1992). The use of inverse Mellin transform technique to obtain the distribution of linear combinations of chi-square variables. Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, UWO, TR-10-92. Jointly with Serge Provost.

12. Rudiuk, E. M. (1993). The exact distribution function of indefinite quadratic forms in noncentral normal vectors. Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, UWO, TR-04-93. Jointly with Serge Provost.

13. Rudiuk, E. M. (1992). An application of Markovian analysis to the comparison of the performance of three dosing regimens of midazolam for post-operation recovery. Statlab, Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, UWO. Jointly with Jon Baskerville.

Dr. Edmund Rudiuk