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Nutrition 3701



Lecture 3701-lecture 27


12 November 2010                   


Food security


Have enough safe(disease and contaminant free) and nutritious food to meet requirements of the world population so that population is healthy to the extent that appropriate (not under- or over-) nutrition supports such health


            Safe food means that the food does not provide health hazard



E-coli- water and pasture story








                                    mercury, lead and other heavy metals

industrial chemicals such as benzene, polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins


            Nutritious food means that one means the following requirements for nutrients


Adequacy-diet provides sufficient energy and enough of the nutrients to meet the needs of healthy and ill persons across all age ranges


Balance-enough but not too much of a given food meet the needs of healthy and ill persons across all age ranges – meats are rich in iron but poor in calcium, milk is rich in calcium but is poor in iron

-therefore must have a balance of meat and milk in this example


Kcal(energy) control-adequate balanced diet without overeating requires careful planning


Nutrient density-foods that give most nutrients per energy yield of food


                        Moderation-eat empty kcal foods sparingly


Variety- eating different foods in different food groups to avoid boredom in eating same thing everyday                        


What causes lack of safe food?

Carelessness, politics or apathy on the part of individuals, governments and corporations

                        Eg.  paper mill in northern Ontario-industry


Eg. Water- some have suggested Ontario government was at fault in Walkerton


Salmonella outbreaks in church functions in Ontario-personal


What can be done about the lack of safe food ?

Avoid carelessness, politics or apathy on the part of individuals, governments and corporations

                        Eg.  paper mill in northern Ontario-industry- better self regulation


Eg. Water- some have suggested Ontario government was at fault in Walkerton- Ontario has tightened the watchdog rule


Salmonella outbreaks in church functions in Ontario-personal

            Ontario has regulated church dinners


What causes food shortages ?

Hunger, poverty and population growth-not having enough food causes people to be less productive which produces poverty and hence less education which in some culture causes people to have more children to support them in their old age

Most of the population growth is occurring in impoverished areas of the world


Loss of food producing land- due to drought and possible global warming as the result of greenhouse gas formation- increased temperatures dry out the earth and increased temperatures make it more difficult for plants to grow


Accelerating use of fossil fuels with the attendant pollution of water, air and soil-effect on human health and nutrient requirements to meet the changed physiological state of the diseased persons?


World climate change is inducing drought and floods causing loss of  crops animals and peoples homelands


Ozone loss- due to chlorinated compounds from industry-increased ultraviolet radiation-this affects ability of plants and animals to grow reproduce and act as an adequate supply of nutrients for humans


Water loss-pollution by people and industry, increased drought due to increased temperatures



What can be done about food shortages?

Hunger, poverty and population growth-

Hunger- feeding programmes including food banks and government aid

-more education gives better jobs

-research into reducing land use and government regulations arising from that research

-increase food producing land-

research into climate change and application of Kyoto protocol to Loss of food producing land


-decrease fossil fuel use(application of Kyoto protocol)- research into and application of alternative fuels such as hydrogen cell


Ozone repletion- decreased ultraviolet radiation- brought about by reduction of emission of chlorinated compounds into the atmosphere


Water loss-tighter regulation and education surrounding pollution –other measures listed above to decrease drought due to increased temperatures


                                    Social programmes(locally) and world aid(globally)

                                    Promotion of family planning clinics

                                    Providing opportunities for education

                                    Providing low interest loans to start businesses

                        Population growth

                                    Promotion of family planning clinics

                                    Providing opportunities for education

                                    Providing low interest loans to start businesses                    

What causes overnutrition?

            Availability, corporate and government policies

                        -availability of high caloric foods

                        -corporate promotion of high caloric foods

-lack of government policy on high caloric foods and physical activity


-lack of education


What can be done about overnutrition

-Availability of high caloric foods- really nothing that can be done here

-Corporate- shaming into changing their choices to at least include healthy choices- story of American chap and McDonalds

            -Government policy

-          restricting tax breaks to corporate offenders until they clean up their act

-          increased research into obesity  and application of that research

-          changes in physical and food education policies in the schools